
The Resistance Fund was founded by Guido Brouwer. “The urgency for research into our immune system arose for me from various factors.

My son Jules was diagnosed at a young age with an immune disorder, which makes him very susceptible to all kinds of diseases. I was confronted with the weakness of our immune system. Together with Jules and my family I have been to many hospitals and so I got into conversation with various doctors and scientists about our immune and immune disorders. I was told that little money is made available for specific immune studies.”


The board consists of 4 members and is responsible for the entire course of events. They take initiatives and manage them, together with volunteers to be recruited per activity. The Board takes the final decision on the use of the funds on the basis of the advice of the Scientific Council and after consultation with the Supervisory Board. All activities and activities are carried out unpaid. The board is also accountable to the Supervisory Board twice a year.


  • Guido Brouwer – Chairman
  • Marja de Jong-Hoogstad – Secretary
  • Nils van Zelm – Member
  • Ton van Loon – Treasurer


The Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board assists the board on a regular basis and monitors them during two official moments a year.

  • Ronald de Groot, emeritus professor of immunology
  • Eddy Staas, partner-tax specialist BDO
  • Herman Vaanholt, entrepreneur

Scientific Council
The Scientific Council is responsible for sound advice on the use of resources.
Since the resources are not yet available to such an extent, the Scientific Council will be the last to be constituted. This will consist of a group of people who are directly or indirectly involved in (research into) the immune system. We strive to bring in people with a certain expertise who can and want to look at the matter beyond the clinical picture.
The first member was at the basis of the creation of the Resistance Fund.

  • Gert Jan Driessen, pediatrician-immunologist, Juliana Children’s Hospital The Hague